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Easter Hazards for Pets
April 15, 2019

Easter is coming up fast: the spring holiday falls on April 21st this year. This can be a dangerous holiday for pets! Here, a local Norwalk, CA vet offers some tips on keeping your beloved pet safe at Easter.


Easter dinners are a big part of many families’ holiday celebrations. Keep unsafe foods away from your furry buddy. Some of these dangerous foods include garlic, onions, scallions, and chives; pitted fruits; sugary foods; nuts; mushrooms; alcohol; and meat on the bone. Grapes, currants, and raisins are also no-no’s, as are raw dough, meat, and yeast. We also recommend that dog owners use garbage cans with secure lids, just in case Fido gets any bright ideas about looking for leftovers in the trash.

Easter Baskets

The plastic ‘grass’ included in many Easter baskets is another hazard. Fluffy and Fido could accidentally (or, in some cases, purposefully) ingest it. This is a serious choking hazard! The grass can also cause dangerous intestinal blockages. Plastic eggs are another concern, particularly with larger dogs.


April can be hot, so get your pet ready for warmer temperatures. Make sure Fido and Fluffy always have plenty of fresh water and shade.


Keep those chocolate bunnies and eggs out of paws’ reach! Chocolate is toxic to pets, and can even be fatal in large doses. Smaller candies are also unsafe, as many of them contain xylitol, which is poisonous to dogs and cats. Candy wrappers and hard candies are concerning as well, as they can choke playful pets.


If you’re hosting a family gathering, keep a close eye on Fido and Fluffy, especially as people are coming and going. You don’t want your beloved pet slipping out through an open door or gate!


Flowers can add a lovely pop of color to any room, but keep those bouquets in spots your pet can’t reach. Many popular flowers, such as lilies, tulips, and oleanders, are poisonous to both dogs and cats. In fact, kitties can suffer kidney failure from eating just part of a lily!


If you host an egg hunt, make sure that all the eggs get picked up. Missed ones will soon spoil … which won’t necessarily make them less appealing to your canine pal.

Please contact us, your Norwalk, CA vet clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!

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