Did you know that April 10th is Hug Your Dog Day? It’s also National Cinnamon Crescent Day! While we may very well partake in some of these delicious pastries, we’ll keep today’s blog topic to hugging dogs, which is a bit more in our wheelhouse. Here, a Norwalk, CA vet offers tips on celebrating this adorable holiday.
There are certainly many reasons to celebrate our wonderful canine companions. Fido is not only sweet, funny, loving, and protective, he’s also quite intelligent. Plus, dogs are extremely loyal, and stay faithfully by our sides through thick and thin. Our four-legged pals have certainly earned the title of Man’s Best Friend!
It may surprise you to learn that hugs aren’t always the best way to show your canine buddy affection. While your own pooch probably won’t mind if you hug him, you do need to be careful when hugging other dogs. Why? Well, in doggy language, hugs are actually a sign of dominance. For that reason, we don’t recommend hugging dogs—especially strange ones–that seem wary, frightened, or uneasy.
It’s always much more enjoyable to hug a soft, clean dog than a dirty, smelly one. If your four-legged friend is ready for a bath, take a little time out of your day to give Fido a doggy beauty session. Later, you’ll be able to enjoy hugging a fresh, clean-smelling pup!
Even if your canine friend doesn’t enjoy being hugged, you can still get his cute tail wagging. Toys and treats will always brighten up Fido’s day! You can also pamper your pet with a fun play session, or perhaps a trip to the doggy park. If you really want to go all-out, get your furry bff a new bed, or even a doghouse.
Not all dogs are lucky enough to have humans that love them and hug them. In fact, there are thousands—if not millions—of sweet, lonely pups in shelters, hoping someone will give them a second chance. Consider volunteering at or donating to an animal shelter or a dog rescue society. Or, if your household, budget, and schedule allow, consider adopting a new pooch!
Please contact us, your Norwalk, CA vet clinic, anytime. We’re dedicated to offering great care!