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Cattober Gifts For Fluffy
October 2, 2022
There’s a special kitty holiday coming up: October 9th is Cattober. If you hadn’t heard of this ‘pawspicious’ event, it’s the unofficially official day to celebrate the birthdays of cats whose actual DOBs are unknown. Here, a Norwalk, CA veterinarian lists some cute ways to pamper your furry buddy for Cattober.


Did you know that there are games your kitty can play on your phone or tablet? This is a good way to get some extra use out of a device you’ve upgraded. Fluffy may enjoy pouncing on digital mice or bubbles. Your playful pet may also appreciate a fun session of Catch The Red Dot or Pounce on The String Toy.


Given that the day has already gone to the cats, it only makes sense to go with a feline-friendly feature. If you have kids, have the little ones pick out a movie Fluffy starred in. There are lots of great options!


Fluffy loves being pampered, but fortunately for us, she has simple taste. Catnip mice are still the most popular choice of plaything among our feline buddies! (Tip: if your kitty doesn’t like catnip, try getting her a honeysuckle cat toy.)


One of the most adorable things about cats is the fact that they really are so easy to please. Give Fluffy a plain box, or even a paper grocery bag. If you like, you can have the kids make your kitty a box castle.


Fluffy definitely deserves a special treat! Most types of meat, fish, and chicken are fine, as long as you remove the skin, bones, and fat. Store-bought treats will also work, of course.


Give your furry pal something she doesn’t have to share with her humans. Has it been a while since Fluffy got a new bed? Could your kitty use a cat tower, or perhaps a new scratching post? Purrfect!


Mental stimulation is just as important for kitties as physical activity. Offer Fluffy a comfy window seat with a great view.


At the end of the day, cats are happiest when they feel loved and safe. While some kitties are definitely more cuddly than others, most of our feline pals enjoy interacting with their humans. Pay attention to your furry best friend! Do you have questions about your cat’s health or care? Contact us, your Norwalk, CA veterinary clinic, today!

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