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Take Your Cat to Work Day
June 15, 2020

Did you know that there’s a super cute kitty holiday coming up? June 22 nd is Take Your Cat To Work Day! Is bringing your cat in to your job really a good idea? Well, this would very much depend on where you work. Fluffy may be a welcome addition to a bookstore or yoga studio. A factory or restaurant? Not so much. A Downey, CA vet discusses some pros and cons below.


Taking your cat to work is a pretty tempting prospect for many of us. Who wouldn’t like being able to enjoy kitty cuddles throughout the day? Fluffy may also charm some of your customers, and might be a great advocate to have with you if it’s time to ask for a raise. (It is hard to resist that furry face, after all.) Your pet may also help keep everyone calm and happy.


On the other hand, there are also some fairly compelling reasons to leave Fluffy at home. First and foremost, most of our feline patients would be more than happy to skip the car ride. There’s also the issue of a litterbox. Where do you put Fluffy’s powder room? If those weren’t reasons enough, you may also have to worry about your frisky pet smacking things off people’s desks, attacking your co-worker’s shoelaces, eating office plants, and, of course, stealing chairs.

What If Fluffy Was In Charge?

Take Your Cat to Work Day just happens to fall right before Cat World Domination Day, which is June 24 th . What if you could combine the two, and put Fluffy in charge? Well, we suspect that there would be a few drastic policy changes implemented immediately. You might be required to keep toys, treats, and catnip at your station. Fluffy may also demand several nap and cuddle breaks daily.

Alternative: Taking Your Work To Your Cat

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, many more people have been working from home. This could be a purrfect option for Fluffy! After all, your furball already has quite a few duties of her own to keep up with. These include things like looking cute, judging you, leaving fur on your belongings, soaking up excess sunlight, and pouncing on moths and dust bunnies. That’s a pretty hefty duty list!

Please reach out to us, your local Downey, CA vet clinic, anytime. We are here to help!

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