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Benefits of Playing With Your Cat Every Day
July 15, 2019

Do you play with your cat regularly? If so, that’s great! Playing is actually great for kitties, and can help keep your feline companion both happy and healthy. In this article from a Norwalk, CA vet, you’ll read about some great reasons to play with your cat daily.


Our feline friends tend to get rather lazy, especially as they age. While Fluffy is certainly adorable when she’s sleeping, all those naps won’t do much for her waistline. A fun round of Catch The Red Dot will help your kitty burn some calories and keep her bones and muscles strong.

Curbing Late Night Shenanigans

Does your furballs sometimes wake you up by pouncing on her favorite squeaky toy in the middle of the night? If so, regular play sessions are definitely in order. The point is to tire your frolicsome little pet out, so she’ll sleep through the night… and be bright-eyed and bushy tailed in the morning.

Mental Stimulation

Playing also offers cats beneficial mental stimulation. Timing those tricky pounces right takes concentration. This is great for Fluffy’s mind, and can keep her mentally healthy as she ages.


It can be easy to forget that these cuddly little fluffballs are actually vicious predators in the wild. Fluffy has a deep, instinctive urge to pounce and jump, and she loves to unleash her inner huntress. Of course, kitty playtime may be just as fun for you as it is for your pet. Our feline pals are really cute to watch when they’re feeling frisky!


Cats can form some really strong bonds with their humans. However, that friendship has to be nurtured. If you take time to dangle a feather toy or hold a laser pointer for your furry buddy, she will understand that you’re making an effort to entertain her. (Fluffy may show her appreciation in some odd ways, such as staring at you, following you, or biting you, but that’s another topic.)

Channel Kitty Angst

Just like people, cats sometimes feel angry, anxious, or nervous. Playing offers Fluffy a healthy and suitable way for her to vent any frustration she feels. Think of it as the kitty version of hitting a punching bag when you’re in a bad mood!

As your Norwalk, CA vet clinic, we’re dedicated to offering the best veterinary care around. Please contact us anytime!

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